ICELI 2021

International Conference on Education, Leadership, and Innovation or ICELI is an annual conference presented by Educational Management, Ahmad Dahlan University.  The 3rd ICELI (2021) is an international refereed conference dedicated in the field of education.  This conference is designed to provide a forum for students, education scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to engage an informed and insightful dialogue about evolving education, leadership, and innovation in all settings in all countries.

We warmly invite you to participate in 3rd ICELI 2021 that will be held on November 27th, 2021 live on ZOOM and Youtube.  Since participants may come from different countries with variety of backgrounds, the conference is an excellent forum for participants to exchange research findings and ideas on education, leadership, and innovation to build networks for further collaborations.

This conference invites research papers that encompass conceptual analysis, design implementation and performance evaluation.  In this connection, the conference will provide participants with ample opportunity to share their experiences and expertise.  It is expected that the participants will have the opportunity to critically examine the strengths and weaknesses of different theoretical paradigms of education, leadership, and innovation.


The main theme of 3rd ICELI 2021 is “Post Pandemic Education Management in Facing The Smart Society 5.0”

Aims and Scope

3rd ICELI 2021 invites academicians, professinals, and independent researchers in various educational fields to present their research abstract and papers relevant to the theme of this conference.  The sub themes for presentation include, but not limited to:

Muhammadiyah Educational for smart society Development of Learning Organizations
Technology Readiness Curriculum Development, Teaching and Learning Strategy for smart society
Distance learning policy Higher Education for smart society for smart society
Development of digital resilience in education Vocational and Technology Education for smart society
Leadership and Educational Management for smart society Character Education for smart society
Synchronization of Competencies Supported for smart society Islamic Educationfor smart society
Educational Innovation for smart society K-12 Education in smart society (Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education)
Increase of Sustainability Collaboration Subject-Specific Pedagogy (Language and Arts Education, Mathematics and Science Education, Social Studies Education, Sports, and Physical Education, etc.)

Event Book

See event book HERE


The paper conference published in

  1. International Journal Of Educational Management and Innovation
  2. Educational Administration Research and Review

List of article 3rd ICELI 2021 here


Event and Venue

Live on ZOOM Meeting and YouTube (with regsitered participant)


International Conference on Education, Leadership, and Innovation (ICELI)

Contact Us

+62 8952 8940 986

iceli[at] or iceli[at]

Jl Pramuka 42, Yogyakarta


International Conference on Education, Leadership, and Innovation (ICELI)