5th ICELI 2024

Glocalizing Education for Sustainable Development: Empowering Communities for Global Impact

5th International Conference on Education Leadership, and Innovation (ICELI) 2024

The International Conference on Education, Leadership, and Innovation, or ICELI is an annual conference presented by Educational Management, Ahmad Dahlan University.  The 5th ICELI (2024) is an international refereed conference dedicated to education.  This conference is designed to provide a forum for students, education scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to engage in an informed and insightful dialogue about evolving education, leadership, and innovation in all settings in all countries. The main theme of the 5th ICELI 2024 is “Glocalizing Education for Sustainable Development: Empowering Communities for Global Impact”.

We warmly invite you to participate in the 5th ICELI 2024 live at Riss Hotel Malioboro Yogyakarta, which will be held on August 31, 2024.  Since participants may come from different countries with various backgrounds, the conference is an excellent forum for them to exchange research findings and ideas on education, leadership, and innovation to build networks for further collaborations.

This conference invites research papers encompassing conceptual analysis, design implementation, and performance evaluation.  The conference will allow participants to share their experiences and expertise in this connection.  The participants are expected to have the opportunity to critically examine the strengths and weaknesses of different theoretical paradigms of education, leadership, and innovation.

Aims and Scope

5th ICELI 2024 invites academicians, professionals, and independent researchers in various educational fields to present their research abstracts and papers relevant to the theme of this conference.  The sub-themes for presentation include, but are not limited to:

Transformative Education Digital Leadership
Character Education for Future Generation Glocalization in K-12 & Higher Education
Curriculum Development, Teaching, and Learning Strategy for Global Impact Glocalization in Leadership and Education Management
Muhammadiyah Educational for the International Community Special Education & Inclusive Learning
Distance Learning policy Educational Innovation
Sustainability Collaboration Technology Readiness for Global Impact
Glocalization in Islamic Education Vocational and Technology Education
Differentiated Learning Meaningful Education
Development of Digital Resilience in Education

Date and Place

August 31, 2024

Riss Hotel Malioboro (5-minute walk from Tugu train station and Malioboro street)


Assoc Prof. Dr. Ani Susanti, M.Pd.B.I.

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia

Prof. Mónica Arnal-Palacián,Ph.D.

University of Zaragoza, Spain

Prof Ts Dr Effendi Mohamad

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia

Conference Fee



*) Presenters exclude publication fees, get special prices for UAD students or institutions that register 5 papers



  • Coffee break
  • Lunch
  • Seminar Kit
  • Certificate


  • All papers will be published at the proceeding
  • Selected papers will be published at IJEMI (Sinta 3), AoEJ (Sinta 4), JIMP (Sinta 5)

Call For Papers

5th International Conference on Education, Leadership, and Innovation (ICELI) 2024


Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI)
No. 858161814
Name. Risty Kurniasih
Paypal: paypal.me/dianhidayati

Previous ICELI

4 th ICELI 2023

3rd ICELI 2021

2nd ICELI 2020

1st ICELI 2019

Co Host

Media Partner


International Conference on Education, Leadership, and Innovation (ICELI)

Contact Us

+62 8952 8940 986

iceli[at]mp.uad.ac.id or iceli[at]gmail.com

Jl Pramuka 42, Yogyakarta


International Conference on Education, Leadership, and Innovation (ICELI)